
What You Need to Know about Endometriosis and Treatment

Being a woman is full of many exhausting and daunting tasks. While you might love being a woman, you didn’t exactly sign up for most of these things. Women suffer through many different pains that men don’t have the misfortune of experiencing.

Being a woman is full of many exhausting and daunting tasks. While you might love being a woman, you didn’t exactly sign up for most of these things. Women suffer through many different pains that men don’t have the misfortune of experiencing. Endometriosis is an extremely painful condition that is only found in a woman’s life. Many people have never even heard of endometriosis, and don’t know all of the important details. The most common problem that is associated with endometriosis is painful periods.

You might be thinking, well, everyone experiences pain during their time of the month. While this is true, this is the main reason why many women remain untreated for their endometriosis. Endometriosis is basically just a condition where the cells which are supposed to be found in the lining of the womb, are located on the outside of the uterus. Due to this, you are going to experience much more pain than you should during your typical period.

If you think you or a family member might be suffering from endometriosis, there are a few things that you both need to know about the condition itself and treatments that are available to you.

Endometriosis can lead to cysts and adenomyosis. This is a strong reason why it’s important for you to diagnose and treat your endometriosis as soon as you might think you have it. Endometriosis can be missed for years just because women and gynecologists don’t like to recognize the symptoms for what they truly are. It can be difficult to admit to yourself that you have a condition that is causing you pain, though admitting you may have the problem will help you in the long run.

If you have extremely painful periods that prevent you from participating in your daily activities, don’t just chalk it up to normal pain. You should see a doctor and express how much it truly hurts. They’re able to run tests that will correctly identify whether or not you have endometriosis. While every woman experiences some discomfort during their periods, some women have it worse than others. If you’re confined to your bed with a heating pad and a bottle of painkillers, something isn’t right.

What You Need to Know about Endometriosis and Treatment

Many women end up visiting a doctor what seems like thousands of times before they are finally sent to a hospital for a proper endometriosis consultation. When you are beginning the process of endometriosis treatment in The Woodlands you will be given an ultrasound scan and a laparoscopy to examine the inside of your pelvis. Both of these things might be slightly uncomfortable, but they are necessary components to the process of diagnosing and treating your endometriosis correctly.

Once you have been diagnosed with endometriosis, there are multiple forms of treatment that you can begin to consider for yourself. While your doctor is going to give you a certain recommendation, it’s ultimately up to you to make the decision on which form of treatment you’re most comfortable with and what you think will work for you the best.

One form of treatment is the combined pill. It is a pill that doctors prescribe in order to help alleviate the symptoms of endometriosis. Some women notice that their symptoms get worse after they stop taking the pill. Another form of treatment is a hormone coil that lasts five years before the need for a replacement. Hormone coils help when the symptoms of your endometriosis are directly related to a heavy period.